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El monasterio magico
| Isf Publishing | 20201130
0원 20,660원
소개 Muchos de los libros de Idries Shah constan de historias y cuentos ensenanza tomados tanto de fuentes escritas como orales, los cuales ilustran los metodos instructivos que los sabios de Oriente han utilizado durante miles de anos.??El monasterio magico?se distingue de sus predecesores en el hecho de que no solo incluye cuentos tradicionales - ineditos en su mayoria - sino tambien cuentos especialmente escritos por Shah para completar el libro como un "curso de pensamiento no lineal".
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784798581
The Englishman’s Handbook
| Isf Publishing | 20201001
0원 31,800원
소개 AMERICAN ENGLISH EDITION The Englishman's Handbook is the third book in Idries Shah's best-selling trilogy on why the English are as strange as they are. He examines the 'baffling phenomena of the British and Britishness', presenting a manual of handy tips on how to muddle through while visiting English shores.An illuminating and often hilarious read, the book is just as valuable to the British as it is to foreigners.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784798635
The Englishman’s Handbook
| Isf Publishing | 20201001
0원 31,800원
소개 AMERICAN ENGLISH EDITION. The Englishman's Handbook is the third book in Idries Shah's best-selling trilogy on why the English are as strange as they are. He examines the 'baffling phenomena of the British and Britishness', presenting a manual of handy tips on how to muddle through while visiting English shores.An illuminating and often hilarious read, the book is just as valuable to the British as it is to foreigners.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784798659
The Englishman’s Handbook
| Isf Publishing | 20201001
0원 31,800원
소개 The Englishman's Handbook is the third book in Idries Shah's best-selling trilogy on why the English are as strange as they are. He examines the 'baffling phenomena of the British and Britishness', presenting a manual of handy tips on how to muddle through while visiting English shores.An illuminating and often hilarious read, the book is just as valuable to the British as it is to foreigners.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784798628
The Englishman’s Handbook
| Isf Publishing | 20201001
0원 20,660원
소개 The Englishman’s Handbook is the third book in Idries Shah’s best-selling trilogy on why the English are as strange as they are. He examines the ‘baffling phenomena of the British and Britishness’, presenting a manual of handy tips on how to muddle through while visiting English shores.An illuminating and often hilarious read, the book is just as valuable to the British as it is to foreigners.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784791988
The Englishman’s Handbook
| Isf Publishing | 20201001
0원 31,800원
소개 The Englishman's Handbook is the third book in Idries Shah's best-selling trilogy on why the English are as strange as they are. He examines the 'baffling phenomena of the British and Britishness', presenting a manual of handy tips on how to muddle through while visiting English shores.An illuminating and often hilarious read, the book is just as valuable to the British as it is to foreigners.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784798642
The Englishman’s Handbook
| Isf Publishing | 20201001
0원 0원
소개 The Englishman's Handbook is the third book in Idries Shah's best-selling trilogy on why the English are as strange as they are. He examines the 'baffling phenomena of the British and Britishness', presenting a manual of handy tips on how to muddle through while visiting English shores.An illuminating and often hilarious read, the book is just as valuable to the British as it is to foreigners.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784792015
The Natives are Restless
| Isf Publishing | 20200826
0원 31,800원
소개 AMERICAN ENGLISH EDITION. The Natives Are Restless chronicles some of the amazing, amusing, and thought-provoking adventures of the Afghan traveller and writer, Idries Shah, among members of what he calls the 'English tribe'. It is an enthralling sequel to his bestselling Darkest England, the narrative illustrating his practised eye as an anthropologist.?Shah observes how the English see themselves, and contrasts it with how the rest of the world views this eccentric island race.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784798611
The Natives are Restless
| Isf Publishing | 20200826
0원 19,070원
소개 The Natives Are Restless chronicles some of the amazing, amusing, and thought-provoking adventures of the Afghan traveller and writer, Idries Shah, among members of what he calls the ‘English tribe’. It is an enthralling sequel to his bestselling Darkest England, the narrative illustrating his practised eye as an anthropologist.?Shah observes how the English see themselves, and contrasts it with how the rest of the world views this eccentric island race.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784791742
The Natives are Restless
| Isf Publishing | 20200826
0원 30,210원
소개 The Natives Are Restless chronicles some of the amazing, amusing, and thought-provoking adventures of the Afghan traveller and writer, Idries Shah, among members of what he calls the ‘English tribe’. It is an enthralling sequel to his bestselling Darkest England, the narrative illustrating his practised eye as an anthropologist.?Shah observes how the English see themselves, and contrasts it with how the rest of the world views this eccentric island race.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781784798680
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