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Machine Learning Engineer 수정일 2024-05-08 16:42:54


Ma○○ (남, 27세) / m***

  • 기본정보
    휴대폰 열람불가 이메일 열람불가
    주소 열람불가
    국적 열람불가 비자타입 열람불가
    대학/전공 열람불가,열람불가
  • 지원정보
    학력사항 대학교졸업(4년) 고용형태 정규직,계약직 → 정규직
    경력사항 4 년 해외근무경력있음 특기사항




    희망연봉 5000만원~9000만원
  • 희망 근무 조건
    희망근무지 서울 강남구, 전국 , 인천 남동구
    희망근무일 월,화,수,목,금
    희망업종 IT/Tech/AI > 응용프로그래머IT/Tech/AI > 시스템프로그래머IT/Tech/AI > 시스템분석.설계
    키워드 AI/Tech/IT
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  • 학력사항

    재학기간 학교명 전공 소재지 학점
    ~ 2017년 ○○○○○○○○ 고등학교 졸업 해외
    2017년 ~ 2021년 06월 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 대학교 기타 졸업 해외 평점 3.5 / 만점 4
  • 경력사항

    Work Experience:
    Research Engineer at Korea University of Technology and Education (CVVP Lab): Feb 2023 - Present
    AI Project Manager at Bleed AI (US Company): Feb 2022 - March 2023
    Machine Learning Engineer (Computer Vision) at Liquid Technologies: Aug 2021 - Jan 2022
    Embedded Systems Engineer at Sudoware (US Company): Jan 2020 - Aug 2021

    Prominent Projects:

    PrecisionGAN (KOREATECH):
    A custom-made paired image-to-image translation GAN network for Skeletonization of printed characters. This project is a subsidiary of a long-term project funded by one of the National Museums in Korea, and the goal is to analyze the methodology of printing technologies available during the Joseon Dynasty in Korea.

    Yoga Pose and Exercise Monitoring (Bleed AI):
    - An application created to help people carry on their workout routines at their homes.
    - The application uses the front/web camera of the host machine to process the real-time videos of the users.
    - The requested camera angles for each exercise are informed before the initiation and then the users are provided with the real-time feedback with rep counting.

    Arthritis Therapy using Computer Vision (Bleed AI):
    This application is a research project that focuses on providing a placebo effect to patients with a rare type of arthritis on their
    hands, by using computer vision to extend and expand their fingers, and vice-versa.

    Vidan (Liquid Technologies):
    Vidan is a video analytics platform that hosts multiple KPIs, customizable as per the needs of the customer.
    Things that I worked on include:
    - Designing the complete architecture of Vidan PaaS.
    - Automatic License Plate Recognition KPI.
    - Train Management System KPI.

    Hydroponics Farming Facilities (Sudoware):
    - Developed an embedded system of a customized single-board computer, consisting of OpenWRT and ATmega.
    - Created a network mesh using NodeMCUs and customized SBCs by implementing HTTP, MQTT, and BLE protocols.
    - Established Wireless Sensors Network using Raspberry PI and NodeMCUs with the help of WiFi and REST APIs, along with remote Streaming with a camera attached to a Raspberry PI using reverse SSH and port-mapping on GCP.
  • OA 능력

    워드(한글/MS워드) 프리젠테이션(파워포인트) 스프레드시트(엑셀) 인터넷(정보검색/Outlook)
    하 하 하 하
  • 보유기술 및 보유이수 내용

    Programming Languages: Python, C, C++, Bash.
    Dev Platforms: MATLAB, LabVIEW, PlatformIO,
    Machine Learning Frameworks: PyTorch,
    TensorFlow, AutoML, etc.
    Hardware Platforms: Nvidia Jetson, NI RIO, PI,
    Arduino, NodeMCU, etc.
    Cloud Platforms: GCP, AWS, DigitalOcean, etc.
    Version Controlling: GIT
  • 자격증

    취득일 자격증명 발행처
    자격증 정보없음
  • 어학시험 및 외국어 구사능력

    외국어명 구사능력 / 공인시험
    [공인시험] TOEIC (1) (점)  년 월 일
  • 해외연수

    연수기간 연수국가 목적 및 내용
    등록된 해외연수 정보가 없습니다.
  • 개인부가정보

    보훈대상여부 장애대상여부 병역사항
    비대상 비장애 해당없음
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