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트위터로 보내기 카카오톡 네이버 밴드 공유 프린트 쪽지신고하기

Production Coordinator 수정일 2024-10-18 16:40:09


AG○○ (남, 32세) / daagbay***

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    휴대폰 열람불가 이메일 열람불가
    주소 열람불가
    국적 열람불가 비자타입 열람불가
    대학/전공 열람불가,열람불가
  • 지원정보
    학력사항 대학원수료 고용형태 정규직
    경력사항 6 년 해외근무경력있음 특기사항




    희망연봉 3000만원이상~4000만원
  • 희망 근무 조건
    희망근무지 경기 용인시 기흥구, 서울 , 경기 화성시
    희망근무일 월,화,수,목,금
    희망업종 글로벌 마케팅/영업 > 글로벌영업제조업 기타 > 기타
    키워드 글로벌마케팅/강연/강의
  • 앨범

    인재정보보기 서비스 (횟수별)
    0 회
    인재정보보기 서비스 (기간별)
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    문자메세지 발송 ( 남은횟수 )
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    열람중인 이력서의 주인공에게
    연락하고 싶으세요 ?

  • 학력사항

    재학기간 학교명 전공 소재지 학점
    ~ 2009년 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 고등학교 졸업 해외
    2009년 ~ 2015년 06월 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 대학교 자연과학 졸업 해외 평점 80 / 만점 100
  • 경력사항

    For the first three years of my career, I worked as a Production Coordinator at Wellington Flour Mills, a flour manufacturing company in the Philippines. By being involved in various coordination roles between management, internal department heads, third party service providers, existing and potential suppliers, and even with other flour mills, I developed my communication and organizational skills, and by exposing myself to regulatory and customer audits, overseeing implementation of food safety system control measures and procedures, I further honed my analytical mindset and meticulous attention to detail. For the next three years, I worked as an Instructor at Central Mindanao University, where I handled a teaching position for engineering courses such as engineering math, chemistry for engineers, basic programming in C+, and computer aided design. I also participated in Research and Extension projects where I collaborated with co-faculty members to implement research studies in actual towns in the vicinity. After this, I pursued my Master's degree in Myongji University in South Korea for two years, where I focused on research studies involving recycling PET bottles and utilizing them to synthesize nanofibers for sound absorption applications.
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